“Sound is the substance of Creation. Meanings are made up in human minds.”
– Sadhguru
Starting from 2020, Saile has practiced and performed at concerts with bourdon and accompaniment instruments (tambura, frame drum, Estonian kannel).

Estonian kannel

As a member of FA Shola Ensemble (in picture from left: Lilian Langsepp, Raho Langsepp, Janno Mäe, Saile J. Langsepp), Saile has played Estonian small kannel as accompanying instrument in ensemble’s arrangement of Estonian old traditional folk song “Lähme hellad, käime kullad”.

Small kannel is oldest string instrument in Estonia – most probably played already around few thousand years ago. Traditional small kannel has usually 6-7 strings and is shaped like trapezoid. This instrument is deeply connected to old legends and Estonian cultural heritage.

Tambura with harp

The combination of the sounds of Indian tambura and European gothic harp is presented in the original improvisational piece by Lilian Langsepp (harp). This music was born in one beautiful August evening, inspired by the atmosphere of old family house, surrounding nature and the moment itself.

The very same evening this music was born, it was recorded with professional equipment to capture the pure inspiration.
Later it was also performed at concert.

Tambura with Persian Ney

From practicing and playing together with distinguished musician Dariush Rasouli (Persian Ney), were created meditative pieces for tambura and Persian Ney with recitation and singing of different ancient texts – verses from Avesta, poetry of Rumi.

This was a beautiful way to connect through these instruments old cultures and link together Persian and Indian sound as it was all interconnected at the time of Zoroastrianism when wisdom from Avesta was known, and also reflecting the spiritual oneness of all the mystics from different parts of the world.
Also was born beautiful composition “Sunrise mantra” by Dariush Rasouli. This piece is inspired by ancient Avesta prayers, dedicated to the sacred time of sunrise – special time, when first light of day shines upon all new possibilities of life journey, inspiring us to become better human beings.


End of August 2021 took place concert called “Maagilised Maastikud/ Magical Landscapes” with Anne Maasik. This collaboration was very special project that took place in Võsu, small village at a Northern Coast of Estonia. Anne Maasik is famous Estonian shamanic-style singer with very deep, charismatic and ancient-feeling voice. Her music is her own original creation and for lyrics she uses often Estonian poetry of different authors. Her style is very exceptional and powerful.

Anne Maasik is famous Estonian shamanic-style singer with very deep, charismatic and ancient-feeling voice. Her music is her own original creation and for lyrics she uses often Estonian poetry of different authors. Her style is very exceptional and powerful.
In this project were also playing Dariush Rasouli (Persian ney), Helmi Marie Langsepp (viola da gamba) and Saile Johanna langsepp (tambura).

Singing Bowls

The latest musical experiment involves those three singing bowls, each of them having different history and story how they came together. Their tunings are in Re, La♭ and Si♭.

Each bowl has different sound quality, which makes them so interesting. Following video is a combination of visual winter landscapes and pure sound of singing bowls in dialogue with silence. As the winter-embraced cold world feels sometimes the same as this sound.